Sunday, October 2, 2011

Glory to the TV Gods

by Von Droomer

I have an addictive personality. It's why I never took up smoking, and also why I have the time to write this blog and enable all of my fellow web addicts. A bottle of Coke and an afternoon on Reddit is all I need to be happy in the world.

(And my loving and understanding girlfriend, who might take my precious computer away if she isn't mentioned.)

As one would expect, I have also grown addicted to certain television shows. For me, and I'm sure many of you, the way I enjoy shows that I like is through the power of the internet (and nerdy friends). For older shows, I track down episodes on Netflix, Hulu, or any maybe/possibly/probably not legitimate website brimming with downloads, or find a friend who owns all or most of the seasons on DVD and watch them consecutively until I pass out from malnutrition or my bladder surrenders.
Problem solved? 

For newer shows, I usually watch them the day or two after they air on whatever website has them up. There are many shows that I've done this with. Community. Dexter. Doctor Who. And, of course, the show that has been called the best sitcom of the past decade. A show that ended all too soon and that fans have been waiting to return with an awkward, obsessive determination that would make Gob Bluth proud. 

Better get the money from the banana stand. 

That's right, everyone. It's back

I could go on about how excited this makes me, but I am afraid that any words I write here would not do the multitude of wild flailing dances I am currently performing in my living room. So instead, I will leave you with this brief update, so that you too may share in the joy of kissing your cousin, maybe. I mean Maeby. In any case, don't miss this, or you may end up like this: 

Please, if you for some god-forsaken reason fail to realize what IT is, click the link and become enlightened. (HINT: It rhymes with Molested Envelopment, but is way less creepy). 

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